Caterpillar to Butterfly
Going for a Christmas night out is supposed to be fun but, yet again, I was filled with dread at the thought of it – yet another soul-destroying look through the wardrobe, trying to find something that didn’t make me look fat! (Near impossible, as I was 15 stone 9 pounds and, at only 5″4, was squeezing into a size 20.) I hated going out and knew something had to change, but what? I had, for the last 10 years, been to every slimming club going and was bigger now than when I started.
Fate must have been on my side that night because I found myself sitting next to Billy. During the normal chit-chat I asked what he did and when he told me he did personal development and coaching, it was the strangest feeling because I thought/felt he could help me. He gave me his card and told me to call him if I wanted to find out more. I waited till after the festive season was over then called. That is probably the best phone call I ever MADE.
Our first meeting was really a getting-to-know-you session, what were my goals, where did I want to be, why did I want to do this, was I ready and so on. It soon became clear that I had several issues, not only with my weight but also a lot of personal problems I had been carrying around for years. After that first session, I bought a journal to record my thoughts and eating pattern and hid the scales as instructed. I was no longer on a diet.
The second session was quite emotional. We did what is called TBT (time-based techniques). Although sceptical at first I had quickly learned that I trusted Billy and so was able to “let go” of all the baggage I had been trailing around for years and finally leave it behind a closed door. With some gentle coaching and counselling I was now ready to move on with my life.
Next came the training and nutrition – having never even owned a pair of trainers this was all new to me. I went and got fitted for my nice new shiny trainers and couldn’t wait to get started. Billy started me with walking, gradually increasing my speed and distance over the weeks. I felt confident enough to sign up for a 10k walk being held in June. I am now jogging – something I never thought would be possible. When Billy looked into my diet, there were some obvious flaws, ie pancakes with honey, etc, but he was able to advise me of other more sensible alternatives. I am NOT on a diet but instead looking at my food intake as the fuel that keeps my body going. The strange thing is I no longer crave all the rubbish I used to live on and by eating properly (meat and two veg) I’m fully satisfied and don’t want anything else.
I can’t believe the changes in me already, I’ve lost weight, my skin is clear, my hair shiny and healthy and I’m probably fitter than I have ever been. On my last session with Billy I described myself as a caterpillar in the process of changing into a butterfly and that I wanted to be a runner – he said I was! None of this would have been possible, or have even happened, if I hadn’t met Billy. He has changed my life completely and I LOVE IT. – Sandra, Glasgow